Graduation Ceremony for Livelihood Training – 2/2019

On the 23rd February, FAITH South Sudan graduated 135 women who were trained in Tailoring, Embroidery, Driving and Liquid soap making. It is a ICCO/KIA supported project. The three months training started in October last year in Juba South Sudan.

Each of these women was equipped with a sewing machine, embroidery machine (for a group of 3 women), Driving license, and materials for making liquid soap

Phase 1 Discipleship Training 2019 Complete

Our phase 1 Discipleship Training 2019 was successfully conducted this week. Over 100 Youth Leaders from Churches in Bidibidi and Imvepi Refugee camps were brought to Rhino Camp which is our training center for 4 days of training.
We thank God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the training. Many of them gave their lives to Jesus.
The next phase is expected to be in May 2019.



On 17th to 19th September we will have a married couples conference in Yei South Sudan. This will bring together 40 couples from all Churches in Yei.


On 20th to 22nd September we will have crusade and leadership training in Yei South Sudan. The leadership training will bring together 80 to 100 church and community leaders for a 3 days training. In the evenings we will be reaching the rest of the people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a 3 days crusade in Yei freedom square.

Ministry Activity Planning – 2018

Our team will be going to Yei Friday (27 July 2018) to have meetings with Church leaders there and set committees for our crusade and leadership training and married couples conference. The activities are expected to be done in September 2018. Keep us in your prayers. If you want to support these activities, you can send us an email asking for how you can make a donation.

Six Months of Christian Radio Broadcasts For South Sudan Refugees Successfully Completed

Faith Aid InitiaTive for Humanity LTD (an outreach of Faith Line Ministries) has successfully implemented and completed a six-month radio broadcasting project. We have received much appreciative feedback from listeners and church leaders in the camp. One lady gave her life to Christ after listening to our broadcasts.